Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Energy

Pelosi, Reid and Emanuel Push for Carmaker Bailout

Cadillac assembly line replica at the Detroit Historical Museum Over the weekend, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate urged the Bush administration to extend financial aid intended for Wall Street to struggling domestic carmakers, a move that could have the support of President-elect Obama. The Times reports that on Saturday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi […]

Share Your National Vision With the President-Elect

Union Station, Denver, CO With the Obama administration indicating that it may counter the current economic slowdown with much-needed infrastructure investment, Transportation for America has issued a letter calling for the president-elect to "lay the groundwork for a clean-energy future that is less dependent on oil." T4A has set up a page for members of […]

Bike-Hating Rep. Patrick McHenry Fends Off Challenger

Congresswoman-elect Kathy Dahlkemper overcame ridicule for her "wacky" notion that Pennsylvanians should try walking and cycling. But down in western North Carolina, voters returned Rep. Patrick McHenry — shown here mocking, and misrepresenting, the federal bike commuter tax benefit — to Washington. Though his state also went for Barack Obama, the outspoken conservative Republican defeated […]

Ped-Bike Mockery Flops for 7-Term House Incumbent

The National Republican Congressional Committee ran this ad against Democratic challenger Kathy Dahlkemper in the race for Pennsylvania’s third congressional district. It hits a few Gingrichian notes on how to address the country’s energy problems before the announcer tells us incredulously: Dahlkemper’s wacky solution? She said we should make personal sacrifices, such as walking places […]

Letters to David Brooks: Yes to Infrastructure, No to Highways

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On Friday, Times columnist David Brooks joined the chorus calling for more transportation investment, which came as something of a surprise given his conservative pedigree. But Brooks has always had a soft spot for the exurbs, and his proposed "National Mobility Project" was predictably premised on the idea that transportation projects should accommodate sprawl: Workplaces […]

Newt Gingrich: I Vant to Suck Your Oil

Before the financial meltdown severely undercut John McCain’s presidential ambitions, his campaign was giddy over the apparent success of its energy policy message: Drill, baby, drill! It is, after all, a simple sounding solution that appeals to politicians in love with the quick fix, oil companies desperate for access to new sources, and auto-dependent Americans, […]