Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Civil Rights

Feds Withhold Fatal-Accident Info from Public

An article in the LA Times (reg required) details how the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has systematically withheld information on fatal accidents from the public, even going so far as to deny Freedom of Information Act requests from researchers. R.A. Whitworth, whose Maryland-based company conducts highway safety research for attorneys, insurance companies and even […]

City Council Passes New Pedicab Regulations

Reported in the New York Times: Chad Marlow, who represents the New York City Pedicab Owners Association, said the association agrees with much of the legislation, but plans to file a lawsuit challenging some elements of it. He said it believes that the Council was within its rights to impose a cap as the city […]

Pedicab Rally in the News

AMNY reports: The City Council is poised to put the brakes on New York’s freewheeling pedicabs, prompting hundreds of their drivers to say the regulations would devastate a pollution-free way to get around town. "They say we are causing traffic congestion," said pedicab driver Mega Martinez, 43, at a protest Tuesday. "How can that be? […]

Today’s Rally Against Pedicab Regulations

Chad Marlow of the Public Advocacy Group is at the podium. Concerned pedicab owners, drivers and their supporters met on the steps of City Hall at noon to lift the veil off ongoing negotiations to reconcile the Mayor’s and City Council’s pedicab regulation bills. What we want is something that addresses the problem of bunching […]

Cyclists Ride with Pedicabs to Rally at City Hall

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The City Council Consumer Affairs Committee is set to vote on regulations that would put a very low cap on the total number of pedicabs in the City and ban certain types of pedicabs from City streets. Time’s Up! joins the Pedicab Owners’ Association against these unreasonable regulations to say: NO CAPS! NO BANS! SAVE THE […]