Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Civil Rights

The Human Rights Argument For BRT And Pricing

A map produced by the Pratt Center [pdf] shows neighborhoods with a high concentration of low-income commuters with long commutes. With congestion pricing now before the City Council, the coalition pushing it forward shows signs of strengthening at exactly the right time. One group we’ll be hearing more from is Communities United for Transportation Equity (COMM.U.T.E!), […]

NYPD Raid Nets Bikes and Bystanders

This entry on the Village Voice Blog by Laura Conaway tells the story of an NYPD raid on parked bicycles last Wednesday night. When two residents questioned the officer in charge, they were arrested: Sparks from the NYPD’s circular saws arced through the night. Police, some in plainclothes, were piling cycles by the dozen in […]

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Subway

The city’s Critical Mass crackdown has apparently reduced the number of participants — or maybe it was the weather. Either way, the spirit and ingenuity of the riders remains intact. According to BikeBlog, rather than succumb to the scooter cop horde like "lambs to the slaughter," cyclists gathered for Friday’s mass decamped from Union Square, […]

Friday Ride Yields Mass Police, Media Coverage

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Up to 200 cyclists gathered Friday evening for the first Critical Mass since the city law took effect limiting unpermitted bike rides and other public events to fewer than 50 people. With all the professional and citizen journalists on-hand to witness the "showdown" between cyclists and the NYPD, one wonders if the restriction might be […]