Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Bestocracy

If Texting-While-Driving Ban Fails, Blame Albany’s “Democracy of One”

Sheldon Silver. Photo: Daily News. Last week Streetsblog followed up on the stalled progress of a statewide texting-while-driving ban, a bill that appears to be going nowhere even though almost everyone on the Assembly transportation committee supports it, according to Brooklyn representative Felix Ortiz. When we contacted Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s office, a spokesperson told […]

Assembly Transpo Chair LOLZ @ Txting-While-Driving Ban

One in four American motorists text and drive, despite the fact that distracted driving is implicated in 80 percent of all crashes. Photo: Switched. When reports surfaced last week that Assembly Member David Gantt intends to block a statewide texting-while-driving ban (again), we were curious: What does the chairman of the transportation committee have against […]

We Can’t Go on Living Like This

We’ll have more on the details of the MTA funding deal as they emerge. For now I’d like to focus on its most salient feature: The failure to impose new fees on car commuters, whose daily trips would slow to a standstill without a functional transit system. Here’s a taste of what New Yorkers can […]

The Day After

Well, here we are again. One year after State Assembly Democrats killed New York City’s attempt to fund mass transit and reduce traffic gridlock, sustainable transport advocates find themselves suffering yet another huge defeat in Albany. Fixing Albany requires volunteers dragging themselves out to the Kings Highway Q train platform in the middle of Carl […]