Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability

A Citywide Prescription for Livable Streets

"Streets to Live By" marshals data from several cities to make the case for investing in livable streets in New York. Today Transportation Alternatives released "Streets to Live By" [PDF], the report previewed last week in the Observer. It seeks to define what makes a street livable and to synthesize a broad range of data, […]

Pint-Sized Parks Make Safer Streets and Cleaner Rivers

The Greenstreet at 110th and Amsterdam helps keep sewage out of city rivers and features a beefed-up, traffic-calming "blockbuster." It rained yesterday, sending stormwater streaming down New York City streets and through sewer grates. The runoff mixed with wastewater in the system and overloaded treatment facilities, causing raw sewage to spill into the city’s waterways. […]

Andy Wiley-Schwartz Starts at DOT on Monday

Department of Transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan continues to assemble an impressive management team. Following in the footsteps of Bruce Schaller and Jon Orcutt, Project for Public Spaces vice president and transportation program director Andy Wiley-Schwartz is heading over to 40 Worth Street where he will be reporting to Deputy Commissioner Schaller at DOT’s new Office […]