Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Partnership for New York City

Huge Coalition Lines Up Behind Ravitch’s MTA Rescue Plan

The Daily News published an op-ed today that highlights the broad coalition of labor unions, business interests, good government groups, transportation advocates and neighborhood activists who want Albany to adopt the Ravitch Commission’s MTA rescue plan. Yesterday the coalition sent this letter [PDF] to every member of the state legislature. Notably, three of the state’s […]

Weiner and Wylde Square Off in Pricing Forum

Four veterans of the congestion pricing wars went toe-to-toe at the Museum of the City of New York Wednesday night — the last showdown before the Congestion Mitigation Commission releases its draft proposals today. Taking the stump for pricing were Kathryn Wylde of the Partnership for NYC and Michael O’Loughlin of the Campaign for New […]

Who is Richard Brodsky?

Matthew Schuerman offers up a brief but insightful profile of Westchester Assembly member Richard Brodsky in this week’s Observer. Who is the man who holds the keys to the future of New York City transportation policy? First of all, like many on the government payroll, he’s got his own ideas about parking policy: Already late […]

The Car as Underdog, and Other Mind-Benders

From the New York Times’ new City Room blog comes a post entitled "Congestion Pricing: Has David Bested Goliath?" Hint: "The answer might depend on who you think is the giant." Which coalition has been winning so far in the congestion pricing wars? So far, at least, the pro-congestion pricing forces have been on the […]