Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Campaign for New York’s Future

Putting Facebook to Work for Transit Rescue

Got a Facebook account? The Campaign for New York’s Future is asking transit riders to use the image on the right (get it here) as their profile pic, while changing their status to: “Telling my state senator I oppose the MTA doomsday fare hikes and service cuts at" In other it-ain’t-over-’til-it’s-over doomsday news, as […]

Event Reminders: Mapes Tonight, Albany Next Wednesday

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Here’s a final plug for tonight’s Jeff Mapes event, also featuring Aaron Naparstek, Clarence Eckerson and Transportation Alternatives, with audience Q&A and book signing. Housing Works Bookstore Cafe at 7:00. And today is the last day to register for next Wednesday’s bus trip to Albany to lobby on behalf of MTA rescue, sponsored by the […]

Support the MTA Rescue: Be Your Own Lobbyist

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As debate on the MTA rescue plan is reduced to stall tactics and race-baiting, the Campaign for New York’s Future is organizing a Lobby Day citizen bus trip to Albany, set for next Wednesday, March 18. With several State Senators saying they will refuse to pass a funding plan that includes bridge tolls, your voice […]

What Your District Loses Without Congestion Pricing

The Campaign for New York’s Future has some handy fact sheets on the transit upgrades outlined in the MTA 2008-2013 Capital Plan, broken down by city and state electoral districts. Since many of these projects will be threatened without the hundreds of millions in annual revenues expected from congestion pricing, some legislators may need to […]

City Council to Hear From Public This Evening

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At this hour, City Council members are preparing to hold the first of two hearings scheduled for today on congestion pricing. The morning session, beginning at 10:00, will be open for public viewing but closed to public testimony. The evening session begins at 6:00. Members of the public who wish to testify may sign up […]