Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about The Netherlands

Rage-Free Rush Hour in Utrecht

From Infrastructurist by way of Buzzfeed comes this video of bike commuters in Utrecht. With a population of around 300,000, Utrecht is the fourth largest city in the Netherlands, and has a 33 percent bike mode share. According to the write-up accompanying the YouTube post, this intersection handles "no less than" 18,000 bicycles and 2,500 […]

Strict Liability: Civil Law for Civil Streets

Yesterday we highlighted a Bob Mionske column that eloquently lays out inherent biases common in U.S. traffic codes and proposes measures we can take to start correcting them. One of them is strict liability, which generally assigns responsibility for a collision to the operator of the vehicle likely to do the most damage (just as […]

Eyes on the Street: Holland on the Hudson

Streetsblog San Francisco’s Bryan Goebel attended the NY400 event yesterday, where Dutch Cabinet Minister Frans Timmermans presented Deputy Mayor Robert C. Lieber and NYC & Company CEO George Fertitta with 200 orange commuter bikes as part of a year-long commemoration of "four hundred years of friendship between the Netherlands and the City of New York." […]

What Does a “Bike Friendly” City Look Like?

Alan Durning has a lengthy essay discussing the infrastructure and culture that makes a city "bike friendly" in the environmental news blog, Gristmill: Good bicycling infrastructure is something few on this continent have seen. It doesn’t mean a "bike route" sign and a white stripe along the arterial. It doesn’t mean a meandering trail shared […]

Bicycle Advocacy TV Ads from the Netherlands

A collection of Dutch bicycle advocacy videosRunning time: 8 minutes 11 seconds We don’t understand a word of it, but in this video compilation from the Netherlands, we see what a well-funded television ad campaign to encourage cycling might look like. Or not. Check out the ad about three minutes in: It appears to show […]