Kevin Duggan
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City May Restore BQE to Six Full Lanes of Nastiness, Sources Say
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The future of the BQE may be going backwards.
Going in Circles: Laws to Tame Helicopters Struggle to Take Off
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Helicopters are like the weather: Everyone complains about them, but no one fixes the problem. Here's our deep dive into how all three branches of government have failed the public.
Council Wants to Speed Up Parks Projects (Like Those Much-Delayed Greenways!)
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The department has been a poor steward of its bike infrastructure that provide crucial links in the city's cycling network — like Ocean Parkway. And Council Member Shekar Krishnan wants to change that.
Queensboro Bridge Bike Boom Continues, But DOT Still Prioritizes Car Drivers Over Walkers and Cyclists
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The city is doubling down on its delay at giving more space to cyclists and pedestrians on the Queensboro Bridge, even as the agency's own data show that the span had the highest annual increase in bike traffic.
W. 22nd Open Street Opponents Scale Up Backlash As City Plans Longer-term Traffic Calming
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The city is considering long-term traffic-calming — without barriers — on W. 22nd Street as a handful of residents is trying to kill the open street outright.
Bigger and Better: Brooklyn BP Wants Summer Streets Longer Than Manhattan
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Spread Summer Streets, it's the Brooklyn way.
Queens Pols Revive Push for MTA to Study QueensLink, As QueensWay Linear Park Surges
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Transit with a park or just a park? That is the question.
SNOW PROBLEM? Sanitation Has Bigger Fleet of Bike Lane Plows, But Same Old Car-First Cleanup Plan
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New York's Strongest are gearing up to clear bike lanes of snow this winter — but they must still wait for car lanes first.
Citywide Composting Would Require $75M to Buy 170 Trucks: Commish
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The Department of Sanitation will have to spend around $75 million to buy roughly 170 trucks if it has any chance of growing the Queens universal curbside organics collection into a robust citywide program, Commissioner Jessica Tisch told the Council last week.
DOT Unveils Long-Awaited 10th Ave. Bike Lane; Locals Say Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough
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Manhattan's Community Board 4 Transportation committee unanimously voted in favor of the proposal, but the panel pushed DOT to go further and add more physical barriers to shield cyclists and walkers from cars.
Manhattan Bridge Squeeze: Construction Narrows Tight Bike Paths for Months
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The Manhattan Bridge's popular bike path has become a dangerous bottleneck because of construction materials stored there for months — and cyclists are calling on the city to make more room on the span.
DSNY’s Electric Trucks ‘Conk Out’ Too Quickly During Snow Plowing, Says Commish
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Electric garbage trucks that the Department of Sanitation has been testing for the past two years are not up to the task of removing snow from the streets of the Big Apple, according to the agency's commissioner.