Brad Aaron
Brad Aaron began writing for Streetsblog in 2007, after years as a reporter, editor, and publisher in the alternative weekly business. Brad adopted New York's dysfunctional traffic justice system as his primary beat for Streetsblog. He lives in Manhattan.
Recent Posts
Tonight: Speak Up for Much-Needed Pedestrian Space in Washington Heights [Updated]
The CB 12 transportation committee has endorsed a plaza proposed for Haven Avenue, but a small number of parking-obsessed car owners, including one CB 12 member, are claiming ownership of the street.
NYPD: No Charges for Driver Who Killed 4-Year-Old Girl on Brooklyn Sidewalk and Left Scene
With seven deaths, motorists have killed more children age 14 or under in the first six months of 2018 than in any year since 2014, when NYC launched the Vision Zero program.
Marty Golden’s Cadillac Has Been Caught Speeding in School Zones Three Times in 2018 Alone
The speed camera program that Golden is trying to destroy has tagged his car for 14 violations totaling $700 since 2014.
NYPD Street Cheats Paint Their Own Double-Parking Spaces Outside the 110th Precinct
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Watch how NYPD has devoured every available square foot for car storage.
Richard Brown: Misdemeanor Plea for Driver Who Dragged Senior to Her Death and Fled
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Again and again, Richard Brown signs off on favorable plea deals for hit-and-run drivers who kill people, when he files charges at all.
Bay Ridge Kids Press Marty Golden to Prove His Promises on Speed Cameras Weren’t Empty
Golden's support for the speed camera bill should enable it to transcend Albany's partisan gridlock. So far, however, he hasn't delivered.
Watch Simcha Felder Run From a Mother Who Lost Her Child to a Speeding Driver
With just hours to go in the legislative session, Felder’s intransigence could shut down NYC’s speed camera program. If that happens, people will die.
Which Matters More to Albany: Saving Lives or Collecting Campaign Cash From the PBA?
The largest union representing uniformed NYPD cops is the lone source of organized opposition to the expansion of speed cameras in New York City, and has spent lavishly on campaign contributions to the players in Albany who control the fate of the speed cam bill.
Go Ahead — Take a Ride on the Park Row Bikeway
After years of limited public access, the Park Row project will improve north-south bike trips under the Brooklyn Bridge, and will link the bridge and Chinatown.
If New Yorkers Lose Life-Saving Speed Cameras, Blame Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo could back up public statements of support for automated speed enforcement by pressuring John Flanagan and the State Senate to reauthorize cameras. Instead he's allowed senators to use Simcha Felder's cartoon villainy as an excuse to let the program come dangerously close to extinction.
NYPD: No Charges After Drivers Collide, Killing Shaena Sinclair and Injuring Her 6-Year-Old Son on Canarsie Sidewalk
The collision propelled a car onto the curb with enough force to kill, but NYPD says speed was "not a factor."
With Driver’s Sentence Hidden, Public Doesn’t Know If Eric Gonzalez Got Justice for Chooi Tan
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Gonzalez agreed to a plea deal with the unlicensed driver who killed Tan on a Canarsie sidewalk with a stolen car. The terms were sealed by the judge, according to the DA.