To help Streetsblog produce high-impact media that makes the case for more livable cities, please donate in any of the ways below — and accept our thanks!
(Streetsblog is produced by OpenPlans, a 501c3 public charity, and every donation is tax-deductible.)
Mail your gift
Make checks payable to OpenPlans (if you’d like to designate your gift for Streetfilms or for a specific Streetsblog outlet, make a note in the memo line) and mail to 195 Plymouth Street, Room 517, Brooklyn, NY 11201. (Please note: Our online donation system is temporarily down.)
Ask your employer to match your gift
Many employers will double, or even triple, your donation. Check with your personnel department to find out your company’s policies.
Give through a charitable gift fund
One-time or annual gifts through your charitable gift fund are easy. Contact your fund professional to find out how.
Plan the gift that gives forever
Planned giving through bequests, estate planning, and charitable gift annuities will make a significant impact. Consult your professional advisor about the benefits of planned giving.
Donate stock
Contact your broker to initiate a transfer of securities. Please alert us in advance with the name of the stock, number of shares you plan to give, and your contact information so we may acknowledge your gift. Our broker and organization information is below.