Today’s Headlines

  • Texas Spending $181M in Stimulus Cash on 15-Mile Highway Outside Houston (NYT)
  • Most Transit Riders Support Bridge Tolls, But This Story Is All About the Ones Who Don’t (NYT)
  • Nation’s Transit Systems Still in Crisis (WSJ)
  • MTA Finance Board Votes Today on Doomsday Fare Hikes (Newsday)
  • Paterson Expects State Leg to Blow Deadline on MTA Plan (Newsday)
  • News Castigates Smith and Skelos for State Senate’s Hold-Up of Transit Rescue
  • Drunk Driver Crashes Into Queens Laundromat, Injuring Elderly Man (News)
  • BID Wants to Give Flatbush Ave a Main Street Makeover (Bklyn Paper)
  • Working Families Party Asks for "Consultation" on City’s Land Use Decisions (Post)
  • Status Report on Lower Manhattan Bike Lanes (Cyclosity)
  • Virginia Takes Aim at Cul-de-Sacs (WaPo via Beyond DC via