Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo’s Renovations Won’t Make Subway Stations More Accessible (WNYC)
  • Trending: #CityThatNeverSleeps (NYT, NewsAMNY, NY1)
  • De Blasio Announces Staff Changes for Second Term (NYT, WNYC)
  • Trump Isn’t the Only Prominent New Yorker Debasing His Office (Politico, NewsPost)
  • State Senate Machinations Got Nothing to Do With Democracy (C&S)
  • De Blasio’s Ferry System Spurs Development in Neighborhoods It Touches (NYT)
  • Jim Dwyer Has a Short History of How Politicians Messed Up the Subway (NYT)
  • Straphangers Review R211 Subway Car Prototype (NY1News, AMNY)
  • Windsor Terrace Weighs the Value of Curbside Parking vs. Human Life (Bklyn Paper)
  • People You Share the Streets With (Post, News)

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