Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo Enlists Toronto Transit CEO Andrew Byford to Lead NYCT (NYT, WNYC)
  • Lhota Plugs Road Pricing in State of the Subway Op-Ed (News)
  • Advice for Byford From TransitCenter and the Daily News
  • Jim Dwyer Has a Better Grasp of MTA Ills Than NYT Editors
  • Post Hits Cuomo for Shifting Subway Upkeep Costs to ConEd Customers
  • Related: Will NYT’s “Punishing” Coverage Force Cuomo to Stop the Games? (Crain’s)
  • Uber Hid Data Breach That Affected 57 Million Customers and Drivers (PoliticoBloomberg)
  • Why Are 2018 Council Speaker Candidates All Men? (WNYC)
  • Greenway Attacker Charged With Murder (News); Victim’s Parents Suing City and State (News)
  • Washington Heights: Driver Backs Into Senior and Health Aide, Surveys Scene, Speeds Off (AP)
  • When a Sinkhole Disrupts Motor Vehicle Traffic, NYC Doesn’t Dawdle (Rag 1, 2)

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