Today’s Headlines

  • Motorist Kills Feliks Dadiomov, 88, on Ocean Parkway in Sheepshead Bay; No Charges (News)
  • Is Vision Zero on Track When Pedestrian and Cyclist Deaths Rise? De Blasio Thinks So (NYT)
  • The Mayor Might Be Less Sanguine If He Attended a Few Victims’ Funerals (News)
  • Port Authority Just a Piggy Bank for Cuomo and Christie Pet Projects (Voice)
  • Christie’s Pillaging of ARC Funds for NJ Road Projects Will Cost Taxpayers $400K (NYT)
  • BID Chief, Kathy Wylde Knock Car-Free Fifth Ave. Proposal, But Electeds Like It (AMNY, Politico)
  • NYCT Rejects Resident Pleas for Better Bus Service on 72nd Street (DNA)
  • Second Avenue Bus Stops Should Be Returned to Original Locations by End of Month (DNA)
  • Stolen Purse Prompts NYPD Car Chase That Injured a Senior and Two Cops (NewsPost)
  • Cuomo’s Regional SOTS Stunt Is a Suburban Pander-Fest (PostNY1)

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