Today’s Headlines

  • NYPD Doesn’t Inform Public of a Quarter of NYC Traffic Deaths (WNYC)
  • Subway Delays Up Over Last Year; One in Four Trains Runs Late (News)
  • 7 Train Extension Delayed Again, This Time to as Late as June 2015 (Post, WPIX)
  • Extell Buys Parking Garage as Part of Times Square Tower Site on 45th Street (News)
  • Vacca Works With MTA, DOT to Create More Parking Next to Subway Stop (Bronx Times)
  • NJ Shuts Down Red Light Cams Before It Can Get Solid Data on Effects (WNYC)
  • Nassau Legislators Shut Down Speed Cams Before Drivers Vote to Re-Elect Them (Newsday)
  • West Harlem Homeowners Say DOT Should Pick Up Tab for Sidewalk Repairs (WCBS)
  • QueensWay Gets $440,000 from Cuomo Administration to Design Park’s First Phase (DNA)
  • DCP Delays Release of Hutchinson River Parkway Study Over Mall Traffic Concerns (Bronx Times)

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