Today’s Headlines

  • Truck Driver Who Killed Renee Thompson on UES Gets Three Tickets, No Charges (News)
  • With Infrastructure Funds Fast-Tracked, Stringer Backs Midtown East (Crain’s, Observer, Post, News)
  • New Bronx Metro-North Service Could Be Hamstrung By Promises to L.I. Electeds (City & State)
  • NYPD Sign Tells Cyclists and Pedestrians to Avoid “Accidents” on Street Full of Traffic Cops (WNBC)
  • Bowery Boogie Takes Note of Bike Ticketing Blitz on Chrystie Street With Zero Safety Benefits
  • 14-Month R Train Montague Tube Closure Begins Tonight (Post, DNA)
  • Crain’s: Prendergast “Has A Lot on His Plate”
  • Brownsville’s First Bike Lane Gets Some Coverage in Brooklyn Based
  • NIMBY Woodhaven Block Association Doesn’t Want Queens Way or Trains (Times Ledger)
  • Is Your Citi Bike Station Gone? Chances Are It’s Temporary for Construction Work (Lo-Down)
  • Man Who Helped Design Subway Map Has Released a New Version in Personal Project (NYT)

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill