Today’s Headlines

  • The Times and Bike Snob Examine Bike-Share NIMBYs
  • Citi Bike Passes 10,000 Members Two Weeks Before Opening Day (DNA)
  • DOT Re-Evaluates Some Bike-Share Stations (Team Tish, News)
  • WNYC and The Record Explore NJ Transit’s Refusal to Talk About Sandy Preparation Mismanagement
  • A Look at How the WTC PATH Became the World’s Most Expensive Train Station (Observer)
  • Hudson Square BID Opens Revived Freeman Plaza on Port Authority Land Near Holland Tunnel (DNA)
  • Journal News Tells Cuomo to Stop Dragging Feet on TZB Financing and Toll Task Force
  • Hey Guys, Did You Hear Anthony Weiner Is Running for Mayor? (Politico, Post)
  • Nassau County Man Still Driving Despite 201 License Suspensions (Newsday via HuffPo)
  • Bronx Leaders Push for New Stations With Penn Station Access (NY1)
  • A Peek Inside Massimo Vignelli’s 1970 Graphics Standards Manual for NYC Transit (2nd Avenue Sagas)

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill