Thursday’s Headlines: Slow the F Down Edition

Thursday is like Super Bowl Sunday for Streetsblog, as DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg and elusive NYPD Transportation Chief Thomas Chan will made a big not so big announcement this morning in Times Square urging drivers to drive better (press release here). And Mayor de Blasio will have a rare press avail at 11 a.m. So we’ll be on hand at both events to grill the officials about such things as Wild West private carters, FedEx trucks in bike lanes, why the final phase of the Queens Boulevard bike lane appears to be stalled and, yes, why cops insist on parking illegally. In short, a great morning.

Now, the news:

  • Gothamist and WPIX added some value to our first draft of history report of a man killed by a speeding driver on W. 23rd Street. Turns out, he wasn’t a pedestrian but an Uber driver who was opening a door for a customer.
  • Darn it! We missed the L Train Shutdown Nightmare, an “immersive haunted house and club” in Bushwick, but were glad that Lucas Riccardi got to experience it all for us. (City Lab)
  • Politico’s Dana Rubinstein shows that no one has adopted a subway station yet.
  • The Daily News reported that a lawyer is suing the city for not properly securing the West Side Greenway before last year’s terror attack — but here’s a reminder: the last thing we need in this city is more security restrictions that create unsafe bike paths that no one feels safe using. (And that’s an op-ed our editor Gersh Kuntzman would be happy to write for Daily News Editorial Page Editor Josh Greenman. Hint.)
  • Meanwhile, Mayor de Blasio really botched the memorial for the greenway victims. (NY Post)
  • Who doesn’t love old subway maps … or Sam Roberts? (NY Times)