Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo and Flanagan Point Fingers as Speed Camera Extinction Looms (Gothamist)
  • Marty Golden’s Reckless Driving and Speed Cam Obstruction Might Cost Him His Seat (C&S)
  • Politico Digs Into Cuomo’s Pay-to-Play Infrastructure and Development Shenanigans
  • Did MTA and DOT Water Down B82 SBS Enough to Appease Transit-Hating Electeds? (KCP)
  • Voice: CBTC Would Have Been a Better Investment Than the Second Avenue Subway
  • State Labor Board Rules That Uber Drivers Were Employees, Which Is a Big Deal (Politico)
  • Ofo, Picked by DOT for Dockless Bike-Share Pilot, Is Retreating From North American Cities (Quartz)
  • On Mark Gjonaj’s Cozy Relationship With the Carting Industry, Bronx Times Pulls No Punches
  • Looks Like City Hall Did Nothing to Increase Play Street Locations Since Last Year (Bx Times)
  • Drunk Driver Critically Injures Man Walking on Northern Boulevard (QChron)
  • Get Ready for What Will No Doubt Be a Rational Discussion on Electric Scooters in NYC (NYT)

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