Today’s Headlines

  • Why Is Transit Ridership Declining While NYC Grows? (NYT)
  • Freddy Ferrer Isn’t the Crusader for Better Transit We’ve Been Waiting For (AMNY)
  • More Coverage of City Hall’s Vision Zero Progress Report (News, DNA)
  • Visualize the Impact of the L Train Shutdown With This Mapping Tool (Sidewalk Labs)
  • Safety Fixes Coming to Six Intersections in Kew Gardens (QChron)
  • The Indignity of Riding the Bx7 (Riverdale Press)
  • MTA Approves Raises for TWU (NY1)
  • Illegally Parked Big Rigs Are All Over the Streets of Southeast Queens (QChron)
  • One More Reason to Avoid the BQE (News)

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