Today’s Headlines

  • Ydanis and 33 Other CMs Urge de Blasio to Fund Citywide Bike-Share (News)
  • Will the Next MTA Chief Overcome the Agency’s Institutional Inertia? (TransitCenter)
  • CBC: New MTA/TWU Contract Will Cost Straphangers (DNAPost)
  • Cuomo and Trump to Discuss “Infrastructure” Today (NYT)
  • Cuomo Budget Includes “Setting Light Shows to Music” at Bridges (NYT, Politico)
  • NYC’s Failure to Manage Curb Space Poses Mortal Risk to People on Bikes (AMNY)
  • New Leadership at City Planning Department, HPD, and NYC EDC (DNAPost, News)
  • City Council Expected to Pass Package of Commuter Van Regulations (AMNY)
  • Mindset at 52nd Precinct Explains NYPD’s Pathetic Hit-and-Run Clearance Rate (NYT)
  • CHEKPEDS Calls on DOT to Prevent Deadly Turn Conflicts on Hudson River Greenway (DNA)
  • Why Is It So Hard to Get DOT to Calm Traffic Near Schools? (DNANews 12)

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