Today’s Headlines

  • Newsday to Cuomo: Don’t Stop With Cashless Tolls — Make the Price of NYC Tolls Fair
  • NYC Will Pay $1.7 Billion to Fix 1.5 Miles of the BQE, Which Drivers Pay Nothing to Use (NYT)
  • Higher Fares Are Hitting Low-Income New Yorkers Hard; MTA Board Debates What to Do (DNA)
  • Ydanis and Other Council Members Want to Expand Citi Bike With City Subsidies (Politico)
  • Yellow Cab Driver Jumps Curb on UES, Injures 61-Year-Old Man (Gothamist)
  • A Turning Driver Killed a Motorcyclist in Gravesend Two Weekends Ago (Bensonhurst Bean)
  • SUV Drivers Collide in Fordham Manor, Injuring 5 (News)
  • DOT Has Installed a Signalized Crossing at the Manhattan Bridge Exit Onto Jay Street (Bklyn Paper)
  • BQX Streetcar Gets Celeb Pitchman in Melo (AMNY); Surprise: A Parking Fight on Atlantic (Bklyn Paper)
  • Oh Woe Are the Black Friday Shoppers Who, for Some Reason, Drive Into Manhattan to Buy Stuff (Post)

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