Today’s Headlines

  • TA Report: Haphazard NYPD Enforcement Is Hindering Vision Zero Progress (WSJ)
  • Straphangers Should Expect to See Another Fare Hike in 2017 (NewsAMNY, NY1)
  • Prendergast Wants Canarsie Tube Repairs to Wrap Ahead of Schedule (Post)
  • Cuomo’s Pointless LaGuardia AirTrain Is Happening (Times Ledger)
  • Team BQX Says Expired 421-a Tax Abatement Won’t Affect Project Financing (Times Ledger)
  • MTA Sues City Over Harlem Fire That Damaged Metro-North Tracks (WSJ)
  • DIY Guide Has “Survival” Tips for 7 Train Commuters (DNA)
  • New Speed Humps and Stop Signs Get Thumbs Up From Paul Vallone and Queens CB 7 (QNS)
  • NYPD School Cop Watches Motorist Brother Beat Senior to Brink of Death, Lies About It (News)
  • Federal Suit Looks to Force Cuomo’s Hand on Uber Drivers’ Employment Status (Politico)

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