Today’s Headlines

  • Leroy Comrie: MLS Stadium Will Go Somewhere in NYC, But Not Flushing Meadows Park (News)
  • Queens Beep OKs Converting Citi Field Parking Lot to Mega-Mall; Vallone, Comrie Oppose (News)
  • Census: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens See Big Increases in Transit Mode Share (MTR)
  • “Brooklyn’s Bryant Park” Is Also an Enormous Traffic Magnet Thanks to EDC and DCP (NYT)
  • Higher Rents in City Core Lead to Longer Commutes for Less Affluent NYers (WNYC)
  • Reason #7 the Rent Is So Damn High: Parking Minimums (Biz Insider)
  • Not Everything Anthony Weiner Said at the Tour de Queens Was Totally Stupid (Observer)
  • Big American Cities Rethinking Parking Mandates (WSJ) You Read It Here First!
  • Bike-Share Haters Hate Bike-Share Because They’re Jealous (Morning News)
  • SI Railway Riders Yearn for Better Service (2nd Ave Sagas)
  • Will Self-Driving Cars Self-Pay for Parking? (NYT)

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