Today’s Bike-Share Headlines

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  • As Citi Bike Passes Member Number 17,500, a Look at How It Fits Into Bloomberg Legacy (NYT)
  • Want to Learn Bike-Share Basics? The Times, WSJ, and WNYC Have Got You Covered
  • Pete Donohue: NYC Survived 9/11 and Sandy, “I Think We’ll Be Okay” With Bike-Share (News)
  • Bike-Share Quieted the Skeptics in London, And It Will in New York, Too (Guardian)
  • Citi Bike Opens Union Square Key Fob Pick-Up Location (Twitter) for Those Delayed In Mail (Gothamist)
  • Nicole Gelinas Talks Bike-Share, With Emphasis on Safety Around Trucks (YouTube)
  • No Successful Bike-Share Requires Helmets, So of Course the Post Wants Them Required for Citi Bike
  • Daily News Wants “Bikestat” Data But Is Silent When It Comes to What’s Actually Killing New Yorkers
  • After Working With DOT on Planning Process, CB Chairs Johnson, Gruber Slam Bike-Share Sites (V’ger)
  • At Art Protest, Sean Sweeney Says Paris Wouldn’t Put Bike-Share by the Louvre, Except They Did (Post)
  • Have No Fear, “Doctor” Frank Arroyo, Bike-Share Will Boost Bicycle Sales (Post)
  • The New York Post: The Official Wet Blanket of NYC
  • Brooklyn Paper Reporters Have Never Met an Anti-Bike Crank They Won’t Build a Story Around (1, 2)
  • NIMBY Lawyer Jeffrey Barr Resorts to Dog Pee as Reason to Oppose Bike-Share (News)
  • Observer on NIMBYs: “We Just Hope That These People Don’t Catch Wind of How Dangerous Cars Are”

Happy Memorial Day, Streetsblog readers. Citi Bike goes live at 11:00 a.m. You better believe we’ll have coverage throughout the day.