Today’s Headlines

  • Raging Driver Kills Bronx Dad Crossing Street With Young Son, Injures 12 More (Post, News, NYT)
  • As of Yesterday, New York’s Toll System Makes Even Less Sense (News)
  • News: Finance Expert Jay Walder on Track to Head MTA; Sadik-Khan Approves
  • Gov’t-Backed GM Is Out of Bankruptcy and Hoping the New Camaros Keep Selling (NYT, WSJ)
  • Trend: Transit Agencies Outsourcing Service to Private Firms (WSJ – preview only)
  • The White House Office of Urban Policy Is Finally Getting Busy This Week (WaPo)
  • SI Pols Whip Up a Rally for "Improved" Roads (SI Advance)
  • Construction of Bleecker St. Subway Transfer Delayed By Unstable Building (AMNY)
  • Newark Couple Shuts Down the Boom-Car Business Next Door (Star-Ledger)
  • Public Space Management, NYPD-Style (Post)
  • Still on the Books: 1950s-era Ban on Bike Parking in Jacksonville CBD (Bike Jax via

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